DO NOT Check the box if you want to use the Boot media for available deployments. I’ve forgotten to check that box a few times and had to recreate the media. If you’re planning to do required deployment where you want to boot the machine and have it automatically kick off a task sequence and run OSD, you’ll need to check that box. NOTEOne thing of importance on this page is the option 'Allow unattended operating system deployment'. We’re going to focus on the Bootable media option here, as I’ve never had a need personally for the other 3 options. Right Click Task Sequences -> Create Task Sequence Media
Log File: 'C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Endpoint ManagerAdminConsoleAdminUILogCreateTsMedia.log'Įxe Used: 'C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Endpoint ManagerAdminConsolebini386CreateMedia.exe' USB & ISO are basically the same, I never create USB Media anymore, just ISO files which I would then extract to a USB If needed. I will not be covering PXE, at least not yet.
Once you’ve setup your boot images in CM with the requirements you need, you can rely on PXE to boot a machine, USB or ISO.