Of course, Jaqen tells Arya: “A girl has been given a second chance there will not be a third.” And Lady Crane happens to be the next victim. I don’t think this was like a special assignment. The job to kill Lady Crane was commissioned by the other actress, so Lady Crane, from the way I see it, had to die. The way the Faceless Men work is if they get paid to kill someone, they do it, regardless of who that person is, regardless of if they’re good or bad people.
What’s your interpretation? Did Jaqen want Arya to kill Lady Crane, or was there something more? Some fans were wondering if this entire mission was a test. Arya ultimately chooses not to kill Crane. Jaqen assigns Arya the task of assassinating Lady Crane, and promises that another face will be added to the House of Black and White, whether she succeeds or fails. I think he’s been constantly testing her to make sure she gets stronger and make sure she gets to be the best contender in Westeros that she can be. He never told her that her training was going to be easy. The whole Waif thing, whatever it may have been, may have just been the ultimate test. ( Laughs.) I think, and it’s my interpretation here, that he enjoyed seeing Arya succeed.
When Arya leaves Jaqen, one wonders if he’s disappointed in her choice - but there’s almost a look of pride on his face as she walks away.